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Daiichi 2720 Wide Gape Stinger Bass Hook

Anglers Sport Group

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Daiichi 2720 Wide Gape Stinger Bass Hook- The Daiichi 2720 Bass Stinger Hooks are perfect for tying top-water hairbug flies commonly used for bass. This unique hook was designed by a bass fisherman who wanted a better hook to use on his hair bugs. The wide-gape bend is very effective at holding bass once they are hooked because the spear of the hook angles back towards the eye of the hook. This bend shape allows the popper or tyer to attach a small loop of stiff nylon monofilament at the bottom of the bend and just behind the eye to form and effective weed guard. This is the hook of choice for bass and panfish poppers and deerhair bass flies.

The Daiichi 2720 Bass Stinger Hook (Bronze) has a wide-gape bend, straight eye, 1X-fine wire. General uses: Deer Hair Bass Bugs, Dahlberg Divers, Frogs, and Mice.

Sizes: 2, 1/0, 3/0.
Quantity: 15 Pack.